I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I won the New '05 Ford 150 STX Truck

Well, dear readers, I said I would, and I did. Out of ten people to win the privilege to try a key to start the truck and win it, I did it. We had to draw numbers to see what order we would go in. I opened my mind to take dictation from the ether and positioned myself to be third in line to draw a number as I was told to by the ether voicewave in my head. According to my numerology report for the year, 3 is the primary number this year for me, followed closely by 1. And the number I drew was #1. As you can imagine everyone else was quite relieved that I had the #1, because surely the first key drawn wouldn't win it, right?

Wrong. As soon as I had that in my hand, I knew I would win for sure. We stepped outside to line up to begin drawing the keys out of a Dr. Pepper box, and of course, I was first. I made my mind very clear and put my hand (and most of my arm!) into this long box (It was an empty 12-can "fridgepack" Dr. Pepper box) and breathed out for the "signal" I knew I would receive. Sure enough, a second or two later, I felt one key get very warm. I took it out and hesitated for a moment. The Dr. Pepper and Albertson's promotions guys thought I was too nervous to get into the truck to try it. But I crossed myself Catholic-style to pay homage to my upbringing, bent and touched the ground (earth) to ask the Goddess to be with me, and blew a kiss to the clouds (water) and sky (air). And then I hopped in and started it! WOW!

Thank you to the Universal consciousness for letting me know I was about to receive the message and to be alert. Thank you God. Thank you Goddess. Thank you for the wiring in my head. Thank you for the air I breathe, and all that I have and all the challenges given to me. Everyday.

So, I have a wonderful new truck, which of course, I'm going to sell and get something more environmentally responsible and cheaper to operate (gas, insurance), plus take care of Megan's car, which is in the shop for about $750 in repairs. For those who want to know the sticker on this truck was $23,495 and I'll probably get $19,000-$20,000 cash for it. This is a big rebate month or I would get more for it. But it was great fun driving around a brand new truck around last night. Alan cried when I won it and he seemed very happy that I could now have freedom of movement. That was cool, too.

I will post some pics later, and we DID take a digital camera with us, but instead of still pictures, Alan took 3 little movies with it, and quite frankly, Megan is going to have to help me put that up here. But I'll take some other pictures and post those in a day or two.

Take care,

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