I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Thoughts On...Gay Marriage Positions

1. (The Religious Right point of view) - You can't have what 50% of us don't keep as sacred. Fuck You!
2. (The Blase' Left) - You ought to be free to suffer through what 50% of us don't keep as sacred. Get Fucked!

I'm guess I'm on the Left. I KNOW Misery LOVES company. Marriage is a farce and doesn't follow the biological imperatives anyway. And to pretend that our economy supports it is absolute bullshit. Evidence: 50% Marriages = Epic Fail and 50% of Jobs aren't available or don't pay a livable wage, and by that definition also = Epic Fail.

(i'm not bitter at all)

Ciao 4 Now!

From This-Is-True and Randy Cassingham

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