I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Monday, January 10, 2005

Funny - Another Time of Changes from l0 yrs ago

Changes/One Night

It was just one night and now I’m changed again and
I can’t stop thinking about all the
I’ve been meaning to make.
It was just one night
I was beautiful for a time
It was one night

The ocean was powerful but not in control of me because
I thought it would stop me from taking charge and
running free with my heart.
I’ve been meaning to make changes but this is impossible.
I --no-- you are wanting me, haunting me
and it must stop because I’ve been waiting for the
right moment to escape from all
that my life has been.
It was just one night.

The sea was raw and so was I.
I stood shamelessly
wrapping my leg around your waist
I couldn’t stop what that chill wind made me feel
And for the next few hours, I wasn’t struggling with the real
and what’s the ideal.
I want to change everything about me
Are you the one?
Do I need you the way I think you need me?
What is need?
It was just one night.
And how do I stop what is already begun with
those who wait for me
those who want for me
to break down
to take down
the "For Sale" sign from my eyes
This is a gift but only in disguise
Because the changes haven’t come around like the tide
of the ocean--where I first saw you as a man
It was just one night.
I heard the rush of a wave that swept away everything I had been
when you found me
Out to a cold dark place in the sea.

Now I’m home-- far from the soft, clear air and you
It was just one night
The change is coming
It was just one night
It was a thought
I can’t stop it or make it different
It was just one night.

copyright , August 1994

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