I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Hello From KY - again - Journey Post #4??(who's counting?)

Dear readers:

Well Columbus OH was fruitful in some of the research I needed to do for my book. I have chosen some locations but some of the folks I needed to work with were not available. But most of that other stuff can be done later and the onsite items I needed, I got. Men in Delaware OH (just north of Columbus) are a bunch of Republican, O'Reilly-watching, Red-ball-cap-wearing, middle-aged, fat farmers who seemed to enjoy asking me if my tits were real, is my hair really red and will I fuck them? Assholes! yucky. In Columbus proper, I went to five different bars and every one of those were gay only! So, no good prospects thee for spending time with anybody. But the drag queens are fabulous dancers and I had a good time at Eagle's.

But my scheduled time with Gordon and his wife was not as much as I'd hoped for. Ah bin, c'est dommage!

I came back to Louisville, KY Saturday evening and had much good girl time with Megan. She's ready to go back to the Grapevine, so we leave Thursday March 10. We'll take our time and be back in the Grapevine on Saturday March 12th. So Nick, Vicky, Gail et al, let us know when you'd like to visit!

This is just a quick update so check back later. I got a new power converter for my laptop so that whole "I'll update everyday from the parking lots of Starbucks and Borders everywhere-thing" can actually happen now.

Love and Peace to All


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Journey post#3 - Hello from Blizzard World Ohio!

YUCK!! Ok I've changed my mind...I don't like snow/cold. But the ice was kinda fun! LOL! I can't wait to get to Florida!

Megan was worried that Alan said he was packing up her bathroom. She is worried that he is kicking her out of his life too. I know he isn't. But she is going back to Grapevine, you know. Probably sooner than later. She's pretty homesick. Carrabbas Louisville sucks in comparison to Grapevine's store and she's un-happy. I'll be in Louisville this weekend at Alan's dad's and I'll talk to her about her plans then. I don't think Anita has her apartment situation straightened out yet. I'm very frustrated by my phone service. It's very difficult to call anyone unless I'm out driving on top of hills and it's been snowing hard for three days.

Well I think I have got some of my location info for the book down now. I'll take some more pictures of the area today and tomorrow. There was a blizzard here for the last two days, and the high temperature today will be 26 degrees F. brrrrrr... I had a little fun last night spinning the CRV around in a Walmart parking lot. They also had people- get this- ice skating/sledding on it! It was cool. Meep says hello! He just came over and licked my hand while I was typing that last sentence.

Gordon, my old english and magazine professor from college and his wife, Lois, have been charming hosts. But Lois had a seizure early yesterday morning and was put in the hospital. She has epilepsy. Gordon's pretty worried about her right now, but she'll be okay when she gets adjusted to her medications, I guess. It's very unusual to develop epilepsy so late in life. (She's 61 years old, Gordon's 58). They are two hippies groovin' on love late in life. They make a very cute couple. They sigh and fawn on each other like love sick middle school kids. -sigh- oh well. I'm very glad for Gordon, cause no one deserved it more, than perhaps, Lois.

But I got some good location info for my female lead character and if it can stop blizzarding today and tomorrow, I can get some good pics for that. I'm not eating right, and I was very sick for the first 2 1/2 days I was here with, of course, strep throat. I had a fever of 103+ for two days and thought I'd die all by myself in this hotel room. But I lived and I'm much better now. But I go to places to eat and then can't eat by myself. I hate eating by myself.

Other than Gordon, who is taken, there are no men in Central Ohio for me. Up here in Delaware, they are all killers of animals for trophies, watch Bill O'Reilly, love Bush (yuck) and are fat middle aged married guys. In Columbus, they are all gay, I swear. I went to 4 random bars in downtown Columbus and everyone of them were OPENLY gay bars. If I was a lesbian, I'd have it made. sigh.

I didn't recognize that 'nice' area near Westerville where we used to live. It all looks like the trashy/crowded part of Dixie Hwy ( blue collar Louisville KY) now. They mowed down a lot of the green spaces we used to love.

Having Meep with me is a blessing and a curse. I love having his company, but he makes it more expensive in some ways, because he's positively agoraphobic. He has to have running water to drink all the time, and he is afraid of a lot of things. He likes being in our rooms, but runs and hides everytime somebody walks by the door. In the car, he will hide under my seat for hours but I think he's getting over that. On the trip up here he just snoozed out on the blankets in the back seat, and seemed perfectly comfortable as long as I don't open the car doors. Then he runs and hides again. So I can't get him to go potty at rest areas or get him outside for fresh air. But on the other hand, he will not leave the car willingly under any circumstances so I don't have to fret about leaving a window open. And he will use the kitty litter in the car if we are stopped. There are places I could crash that he cannot. Like Gordon's for instance. They have four cats and a dog, and one of the cats is terribly ill with what looks like distemper, but is probably FIV/leukemia. I don't want him exposed to it, so I can't stay there. It was the same at Carmen's house. She has house full of loud animals that would simply terrify Meep and I'm not sure about their shots etc, but I'm sure that Carmen lied to me about it. I think it will get easier over time, and when we get somewhere warmer. I hope. I can't stay in hotels all the time. But right now I don't know what else to do. Send money, lawyers and guns, I guess. I must get back to work now. ya know - that writing stuff. It's hard. I'm not very disciplined yet.

Blessings Upon You and Yours,

"In the Beginning there was Noise, and Noise begat Rhythm, and rhythm begat Life." - A Drummer's Cosmology.

I love deadlines...I love the "whooshing" sound they make as they fly by! - Douglas Adams, "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" interview.

Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with hot sauce!!!!

From This-Is-True and Randy Cassingham

Havoth's Search Thingy