I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Friday, January 23, 2009

What does it take?

What does it take to stop loving someone? How long before you just say "enough!"?  My heart drifts back and forth on this subject so much, I feel very true to my water sign, Scorpio.
As for the Mr. Current...I'm tired of the petty anger over little or nothing or his own small mistakes, with which he'll bring down the whole day...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Well...today things went well

Working - working working....
I started working yesterday morning with 3 clients (1 major one) from about 10 am and took only a couple of breaks and worked right on thru to 10 am today. Nearly 23 hours straight. Took a one hour nap and was back on line with the major client again at 11:30 am. Whew!!  But the Jan close got done and all is well for now.
Property management can be very intense sometimes.
Boring post I know and now my schedule is futzed up and I'm sitting here typing to you, dear reader and playing bingo online.
I should go to bed now. Need a zanax or a drink or something...I get so wound up after a couple of days like this - it's hard to sleep after.
But there you have it.  I'm going to the major client's office next week in Milwaukee. brrrrrr!


Sunday, January 04, 2009

Oh yeah and other stuff that's happened since 2005

  • I travelled all over the US.
  • I worked as a property manager at a storage place in Grapevine TX
  • I worked at asoftware company, calling upon my old reliable skills as a software//bookkeeping analyst...that turned into my current gig as a consultant.
  • My cat companion disappeared but witnesses say that he was carried off by some children and an adult who took him away from me. Despite Lost posters advertising a reward, he was gone. I miss him so much. He was the best friend I've ever had, maybe even better than the humans I've known.
  • I got a boyfriend who is 15 years older than me, and I have more problems with that than he ever will. But he's good to me.
  • I got to see the Hoover Dam at dawn recently. It was beautiful and people may not know this but they will be soon closing the road that goes across the dam forever as traffic is rerouted to a new bypass. So I'm glad I took the time.
  • I went to Vegas by myself, like a grownup, in September 08, and I ain't saying a word! lol.
  • My oldest son, Sean got married, had a baby boy, Barrett Randall Bunch, on Aug 7 2008 and then he divorced the mommy, Jessica. They still live together but I guess that marriage licensing and paperwork was stifling their love creativity. I don't get it but they are doing fine, and I am not the one to tell them how love works.
  • My daughter Megan is still in the restaurant business, but not in college yet. Hope continues that she will go do something else Important, but I know she'll make it work for her...sooner or later.
  • My son, Alex went into the Navy and got out again. Now he lives with me and Randy and it's crowded but he really is trying his very best to not take up too much space. He is working and as soon as he gets on his feet financially, he'll be moving on.
  • My relationship with my ex-hubby, Alan has grown in a deeper friendship than ever. But we made the right decision.
  • I have worked hard to take the hatred, anger, jealousy and pettiness out of my life and for the most part, I've won back that part of myself I liked when I was young. But I now realize that some of that anger stuff, gave me impetus and energy to DO POSITIVE STUFF! So I gotta figure out how to get more motivated with out being self-destructive. Why does anger and sadness and loss make for the best art and work time for me? I'm most productive when I'm miserable? I am still seeking a way around that loophole in my personality or id or ego and whatever else you call it.
  • In the past four years, I've unlearned some things I may need to get back to be successful. Like self-discipline.
  • In the past four years, I've learned a lot about how much I love this planet and her peoples.
  • In four years from now, I hope Obama has been all he promised to be, and we are preparing for his 2nd inauguration.
  • I hope I learn back some of the very best survival tricks I learned to get to here. And have the energy to use them to make some cash for my kids so they'll all get degrees from college. That's my dream. (Dear IRS, please let me keep my money and none of the Bunch's will ever be on welfare!)

Adieu, Havoth.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Randy...you are mine, whether I like it or not! Love, Havoth

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Once Upon a Time, before Sean got married or crazy...

Once Upon a Time, there was this woman, who was interesting and funny and had 3 marvelous, but strange children...and they grew up...and SURVIVED all the interesting stuff...this is our story...
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Me, Alex and Megan - Xmas 2007

You'll probably read a lot about these people...that's me on the left,
Alex, my youngest son in the middle, and then my daughter, Megan on the right.
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It's Everywhen

2009! Whew!
I know it's been a long time since I wrote here....blah blah blah.
I lost 155 lbs and in the past 3 years I've gained nearly half of it back. I hate sit-down jobs, but that's what I do best. I don't get enough exercise so I guess I need to work that back into my routine.
I made love to many people - some who appreciated my efforts, and some too ignorant to care. One, Randy - I've kept. Sometimes I think of making him go away, but am not sure it would be right for me. Sometimes he makes me a better person, and sometimes he doesn't. And I live on.
I speak of making love - not just in terms of sex - but in terms of showing a person who I really am or who they really are or just gifting them with some insight or humor. I have allowed those who are brave enough to come near and share this human experience.
I've had three jobs since I wrote last...the last is working for myself. I like what I do most days, but sometimes I still get turned around by the power of indecision of where I want my consulting business to go. I do well, I've made good friends and there may be yet a decent size party for my funeral. After all that's my goal. To be missed. To make a mark. And to make someone happier or at least more thoughtful for my having touched their lives somehow.
It's everywhen I want to be.
Love, Havoth....
Randy is my personal chef now...tonight it was potachos.  Yummy. 
Kari R. Bunch
Consulting – Where Process Becomes Progress
817-821-7368 (RENT)
11470 Audelia Road #262
Dallas, TX 75243
I love deadlines...I love the "whooshing" sound they make as they fly by!
- Douglas Adams, "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" interview.

From This-Is-True and Randy Cassingham

Havoth's Search Thingy