I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Friday, July 03, 2009

Palin quits as gov this month

I happen to agree with most of Time Mag's writer Halperin reasons, they are not unforeseen. However, I think there are some other concerns:

To run for Republican Prez, Palin is gonna have to be squeaky clean because the GOP (govt of the perverts) is having such a hard time in the Morals and High Living area. There may be some things she wants to do as the Gov that are illegal/frowned-upon to do as the Gov.

She doesn't have a squeaky clean past and - not trying to sound err-umm... lefty-elitist or Obamatic, but can't help it - Palin and the family is a wee bit like average-trailer-park-occupants in background, behavior and hobbies. She might need the next couple of years to make us forget the things we know about and to eliminate the things we aren't sure of yet, but suspect. Simple as that.

And of course, the book deal. The special-needs kid. Grandma-ing her teen's baby(ies?). Mothering in general. Householding. These things take a lot away from making ridiculous statements on TV that tell us one sure thing, math (or history) is not her strong suit...how DID she get elected again? What was McCain thinking? But I digress...

Not least of all - for her to say she's quitting because of the "criticisms" (i.e. media beatdown) her and her family have taken since she was tapped by the McCain election crew, well... it's disappointing at best and infuriating at worst. Isn't it the old diatribe of the primarily male-dominated political sphere, that women may cry and run out of the room if insulted and therefore not capable of being in politics in the first place, let alone trusted with the nuclear codes?

Thanks Sarah, for nothing. In the movement for equal rights, but equal acceptance, women struggle the world over (ok...mostly here and in Tehran).

"awww jeez, Edith!"....says the primordial GOP'er, Archie Bunker....

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