I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Monday, June 28, 2010

MSNBC Panel discusses Wikileaks.org's "Collateral Murder" Video - Part 1

I watched the full video here.
I cannot fathom how 2 journalists with camera bags and the small group of people with them, were identified as threats with "hostile intent". The two people I could see with rifles, had them shouldered and pointing down, not in an overtly threatening-to-shoot position. I never saw a RPG, I believe it was a longish camera lens for 3 reasons: a) though it's a grainy video, the object has light and dark stripes much typical sport or telephoto lenses. b) it's too short to be an RPG tube. And c) If it was an RPG tube, it wasn't loaded and so again, not immediately threatening.

I concur that these may very well be war crimes and the enactors should tried on those grounds.

I also find it quite sad that our troops, such as those doing the shooting that day are temporarily brainwashed into this blase'-yet-gung-ho-kill-em-all-rack-up-a-good-score attitude. I also find it not surprising that as these soldiers come home, there seems to be a trend of large numbers of PTSD diagnoses, suicides, etc. I'm starting to think that a fraction of PTSD, is actually morality setting in, or guilty consciences.

I'm not blaming the troops per say, they are expected to follow orders, etc. But I do believe they are responsible for their own actions and inability to express moral objections over inappropriate actions. Most have been subject to a public school system that supports the pack mentality. which works great for animals. This does not so work so well for humans given to hindsight and reflection. Thus, the high numbers suicides and PTSD claims.

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