I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A decent Constitutional Lesson
However, I think a blanket ruling will open up a whole new can of worms about things the government can't make you buy - I think the car insurance analogy mentioned in this article does have a faulty premise if the Supreme Court's eventual ruling is a blanket statement. I am going to look for more examples of what the government (state or federal) forces it's citizens to purchase to be legal. I'm sure there is something out there...
For the moment - CNN commenter on story of bodies found on the beach
ppl freeze to death. Ppl kill each other. Ppl r just cruel, mean n hateful. Most ppl r selfish. Dont put ur self in a situation to be killed. Evil exist in this world. Trust no one n u wont be disappointed!
December 14, 2010 at 3:23 am | Report abuse | Reply
hate to let ya down – but as long as you're here on Earth – and not immortal – you are in a position of dying at some point. Let the cruel nature of it go and enjoy the moment you are having right now – for it's wisdom, its humor, its poignancy or whatever this moment has to offer...Love
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Madoff son found dead of apparent suicide
- · batman13 -What would have made this a REALLY happy story would have been if when Bernie got the news, he had a heart attack and died. Oh well, I guess you can't have everything.
- · bbqbearII - one can only hope it was a slow painful wretching death.. one he hadn't expected..
- · AzWildcat - Too bad the rest of the Republican Party won't follow his lead
Monday, November 01, 2010
Rally To Restore Sanity and (not) Fear Worked for Me!
But it was all a 3 hour warm up for speech by Jon Stewart that achieved its purpose. I could have listened to Jon talk all afternoon. He is just so - so - reasonable. Funny, yes, but more than that, he does speak for more Americans right now. The silent majority isn't really silent you know, they are just being shouted down by the crazies. Thank you, Jon Stewart. Keep up the good work.
P.S. - I'm going to vote tomorrow. I haven't found that my lefty vote really matters here in Dallas TX. But I occasionally vote for a republican that makes sense. But in the governor's race here - Mr. Perry needs to take a hike. I'm just not sure about that other guy.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Super-Yachts from Stem to Stern Culture: vanityfair.com
Aahhhhh!!! the life....
Courtesy of Vanity Fair: As of now, Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich’s Eclipse is the biggest yacht in the world, beating the Sheikh of Dubai’s Dubai by at least 18 inches. © Michael Meyer/Action Press/Zuma Press.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Bishop Jackson's opinion piece on CNN - a response
OK- here's another one of those things where I read it and then responded. But I wanted to keep it here, so for posterity's sake here it.
While the bishop supposedly cites some scientific studies to back up his opinion, I think he read them wrong and left a few out. How about the study that says 52% of heterosexual marriages end in divorce. And of the 48% left, another 15% would like to be divorced or are already separated. How about the fact that gay co...uples who raise children by any means, tend to stay married and their children do better in schools? I cannot possibly believe that the nuclear family unit is threatened by anything more than the economy that does not allow at least one parent to be the stay-at-home parent or for them to trade off. The economy has been hugely responsible for the separation of families in the majority of circumstances. And my own personal experience is that maybe a quarter of any one I know is close to their blood relatives. Most consider their friends closer and more reliable than their families. So how about legal recognition of those family units? Whether sex is involved or not, the raising of children to a successful end takes far more than the heterosexual union that produced them. My conclusion would be that any committed partners in raising a family are good, when committed. And how they have sex has little bearing on that fact. And for Diggit's benefit - I'm not gay.
(Diggit posited earlier on the comments that most of the commenters on CNN's site for this article are "gays")
Saturday, August 07, 2010
READ this: Freedom isn't free - it just isn't....
READ this: The police won't arrive suddenly - it's already here, so subtly done to ourselves...
Friday, July 23, 2010
I cannot imagine what the father is going through. I can only pray for wisdom to understand and to forgive. Here is the full length 911 Call from Monday July 19th.
Hey YOU! - Up there, in the sky if you are, WTF!? This is why it's easier to believe in demons than a benevolent GOD... Where are you?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
In Memoriam...To Carmen
So I lost my sister and the hand I would have held her close to me with. The hand translates most tactile sensations as pain or nothing. My heart translates the memory of my sister into a selfish barrage of pain alternating with numbness. It has been a year.
My daughter wants commemorate this day somehow. I am at a loss to explain to her, that I am beginning to appreciate the numbness much more than the pain now. But I need to do something for her. How did love and guilt become so closely entwined in us? It must be genetic.
We will have dinner together tonight, Megan and I. Play some cards. Cry a little, probably. Hopefully not argue. I don't want her to feel guilty. I want to help her get some closure. But it's hard for me to open up enough to close anything. I was wallowing in the numb.
Mostly I want to send this message out on the air to my nieces, Lisa Grace and Lauren Elizabeth...I do love you. I do miss your mom, my sister. And I wish you all the best. To my sister, wherever you are, I hope it's peaceful.
Monday, June 28, 2010
MSNBC Panel discusses Wikileaks.org's "Collateral Murder" Video - Part 1
I cannot fathom how 2 journalists with camera bags and the small group of people with them, were identified as threats with "hostile intent". The two people I could see with rifles, had them shouldered and pointing down, not in an overtly threatening-to-shoot position. I never saw a RPG, I believe it was a longish camera lens for 3 reasons: a) though it's a grainy video, the object has light and dark stripes much typical sport or telephoto lenses. b) it's too short to be an RPG tube. And c) If it was an RPG tube, it wasn't loaded and so again, not immediately threatening.
I concur that these may very well be war crimes and the enactors should tried on those grounds.
I also find it quite sad that our troops, such as those doing the shooting that day are temporarily brainwashed into this blase'-yet-gung-ho-kill-em-all-rack-up-a-good-score attitude. I also find it not surprising that as these soldiers come home, there seems to be a trend of large numbers of PTSD diagnoses, suicides, etc. I'm starting to think that a fraction of PTSD, is actually morality setting in, or guilty consciences.
I'm not blaming the troops per say, they are expected to follow orders, etc. But I do believe they are responsible for their own actions and inability to express moral objections over inappropriate actions. Most have been subject to a public school system that supports the pack mentality. which works great for animals. This does not so work so well for humans given to hindsight and reflection. Thus, the high numbers suicides and PTSD claims.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
General McChrystal's folly
It's admirable to watch the general take responsibility for his and his staff's comments. But shouldering responsibility means just that. Like it's admirable to volunteer for the Red Cross, but if ya don't show up, filling out the volunteer sign up sheet doesn't really mean anything. Insubordination is well defined across the branches of service in Article 88 of the UMCJ, and it has definitely been committed here to some degree. Did he think that Rolling Stone was not going to print that? Surely he had enough sense to get the gist of what reporter Mike Hastings was going to write before publishing it? Oh yeah-the General's pitiful PR guy already got fired. blah blah blah...
Ms. Townsend, wrote "...Every day he is surrounded by an enemy plotting to kill Americans in Afghanistan ..." Well, ma'am, I can solve this - **Get out of Afghanistan**. Period. We do not need it, nor do they want our COIN (COunterINsurgency stategy - euphemism for nation-building or American conquest - if you will)!!!
Let them be. They just want us out of their lands.
Ask their permission to hunt for Osama Bin Laden/Taliban/Al-Quaeda if you must, but do we really need 340,000 people to do that? Can't a wiseguy from Jersey get this done? Where is Tony Soprano when you need him? Or maybe a ninja assassin or three?
Come home Troops and defend the US! This nation-building COIN crud is an expensive and foolish measure altogether.
-havoth (disgusted at how this took our eye off the Gulf Disaster)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
NO Ethnic Studies?...Thoughts On the Anti Mexican Movement in AZ
And Ofelia, wherever you are in Nogales, AZ, I know you are Mexican born here, but I remember when your prejudice of Obama because he's half black, made me uncomfortable with your racist remarks and apparent self-loathing for your own ethnicity. This is what that kind of racism gets you...only now-Dios mio! - you are the target, you and your children, who can't change what they look like to get a fair shake.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
My thoughts on the Times Square Bomber
Friday, March 26, 2010
Health Care as explained by my hero
What the hell could possibly go wrong????
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Just to let ya know...
I'm doing much better personally too. With Spring comes new ideas and new energy to see them through!
love ya
Monday, January 18, 2010
When Death Overcomes Politeness
Force Marie Jacmel from Ciné Institute on Vimeo.
I personally wish I could be there to help. I remember a recent email exchange with a friend about the plight of Detroit, MI and it's unclaimed dead, sitting in a freezer at the morgue, waiting for the 2010 budget year to start so they could bury or cremate the unclaimed remains of the poor or homeless. They had around 70 bodies at the time of the article, and I thought gee- how terrible...This massive disaster certainly brings a whole new perspective on the matter of unclaimed dead...but I really wish they would/could do what Sri Lanka and China did, take a photo of those they are burying so that someone may be able to find out if their friends and relatives are really gone instead of burying them in mass graves without even counting the bodies. Even spray paint or mark the area with a number of bodies or the names of who buried them.
Perhaps mass deaths in a warm climate on this scale just suppresses a normal "let's-give-them-closure" response. I do not know. But the Cine' Institute of film students in Haiti, have done a great job so far of trying to record this as it happens in their country.
My prayers go out to the Haitian people who marched and sang on the streets immediately following the disaster - Que Belle Spirit!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hate will be the destruction of us all
This is so sad, but expected…Why do people hate so much? The interview with Pat Robertson saying the Haitians made a pact with the Devil and are now reaping their just rewards…well, that’s why so many good people refuse to call themselves Christians, so they’re not associated with people like Pat Robertson. For shame…
Heavenly Father – if you are listening…blow the wind of understanding into their hearts…and if that doesn’t work, well then you have the final say…
I pray for the Haitians who didn’t have much to begin with and have lost even that.
Kari Bunch
“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; & suddenly you are doing the impossible.” St. Francis of Assisi