I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

General McChrystal's folly

This is my response to this op-ed piece on CNN by Frances Fragos Townsend on CNN ( whose article begins with an Editors' Note ("Frances Fragos Townsend, a CNN contributor on national security issues, was President George W. Bush's chief anti-terrorism and homeland security adviser. She is a partner in the law firm of Baker Botts LLP, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a consultant for Raytheon, a component manufacturer for drones used by the U.S. military in Afghanistan" - nothing suspicious about HER background,huh?):

It's admirable to watch the general take responsibility for his and his staff's comments. But shouldering responsibility means just that. Like it's admirable to volunteer for the Red Cross, but if ya don't show up, filling out the volunteer sign up sheet doesn't really mean anything. Insubordination is well defined across the branches of service in Article 88 of the UMCJ, and it has definitely been committed here to some degree. Did he think that Rolling Stone was not going to print that? Surely he had enough sense to get the gist of what reporter Mike Hastings was going to write before publishing it? Oh yeah-the General's pitiful PR guy already got fired. blah blah blah...

Ms. Townsend, wrote "...Every day he is surrounded by an enemy plotting to kill Americans in Afghanistan ..." Well, ma'am, I can solve this - **Get out of Afghanistan**. Period. We do not need it, nor do they want our COIN (COunterINsurgency stategy - euphemism for nation-building or American conquest - if you will)!!!
Let them be. They just want us out of their lands.
Ask their permission to hunt for Osama Bin Laden/Taliban/Al-Quaeda if you must, but do we really need 340,000 people to do that? Can't a wiseguy from Jersey get this done? Where is Tony Soprano when you need him? Or maybe a ninja assassin or three?

Come home Troops and defend the US! This nation-building COIN crud is an expensive and foolish measure altogether.
-havoth (disgusted at how this took our eye off the Gulf Disaster)

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