2009! Whew!
I know it's been a long time since I wrote here....blah blah blah.
I lost 155 lbs and in the past 3 years I've gained nearly half of it back. I hate sit-down jobs, but that's what I do best. I don't get enough exercise so I guess I need to work that back into my routine.
I made love to many people - some who appreciated my efforts, and some too ignorant to care. One, Randy - I've kept. Sometimes I think of making him go away, but am not sure it would be right for me. Sometimes he makes me a better person, and sometimes he doesn't. And I live on.
I speak of making love - not just in terms of sex - but in terms of showing a person who I really am or who they really are or just gifting them with some insight or humor. I have allowed those who are brave enough to come near and share this human experience.
I've had three jobs since I wrote last...the last is working for myself. I like what I do most days, but sometimes I still get turned around by the power of indecision of where I want my consulting business to go. I do well, I've made good friends and there may be yet a decent size party for my funeral. After all that's my goal. To be missed. To make a mark. And to make someone happier or at least more thoughtful for my having touched their lives somehow.
It's everywhen I want to be.
Love, Havoth....
Randy is my personal chef now...tonight it was potachos. Yummy.
Kari R. Bunch
Consulting – Where Process Becomes Progress
817-821-7368 (RENT)
11470 Audelia Road #262
Dallas, TX 75243
I love deadlines...I love the "whooshing" sound they make as they fly by!
- Douglas Adams, "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" interview. #