I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bloodthirsty - What's wrong with the "Tea Party" Republicans?

HuffPost Discusses "let him die" audience remarks -
Ok - we've had two Repugnican debates - to help us Dems and independents decide which Repugnican we should duck/take cover from/fight against next fall, and so far - their audiences are scarier than they are. In the Iowa debates - Brian Williams looked like I felt when the crowd at the Reagan Library Debate cheered the many executions Gov Rick Perry has managed in Texas. I thought to myself - why is it always a bunch of pro-lifers who are always happy about executing people? In fact, it seems in this weird right-wing bunch, to be a Christian Tea Partier, you gotta want to kill some people and punish others a lot with policy and not a lot of facts or proofs. The Jesus Christ I learned about was about not killing and not judging and letting God take care of vengeance at Judgment Day. These bloodthirsty a$$holes don't agree with  Christ!
I never misunder-estimate the DUH in Floriduh...so not too surprised when, at the debate for the CNN Tea Party in Tampa, they shout "Yeah! Let him die! " when Ron Paul is asked about the hypothetical 30 yr old young man with no insurance who has catastrophic illness (coma).  Who ARE these people?

From This-Is-True and Randy Cassingham

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