I Havoth Mine! Did You Get-eth Yours?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

And Herman Cain says racism is in the past...

Disenfranchisement of the Formerly Incarcerated Remains Serious Problem in Alabama

[1] http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/07/who-gets-to-vote/

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

ON the Left! No, No - on the right! Herman has attackers everywhere

Didn't Herman Cain just say the other day this is all an orchestrat
­ed attack from the REPUBLICAN camp of Rick Perry and yet today in his press conference­, he claimed it was the "Democrati­c Machine" now against him? Which is it Herman? "Trouble to left of me, trouble to the right... here I am, stuck in the middle with you".

Monday, November 07, 2011

Herman Cain is through...or at least he should be

Wow - I called it over two months ago that Herman Cain would not last. I think I got it right. 9-9-9 is a mathematical impossibility and a joke. His lack of statesmanship and knowledge of foreign anything - should be a deal-killer. But where there's smoke, there is usually fire. 4 women and probably more. I think you can stick a fork in Mr. Cain - he's done. And if he isn't done now, because the Repugnicans want to keep pretending they aren't racists - well, he should be.  My bet is that he was a token candidate anyway, to pull attention away from all the racist crapola they've launched in Obama's direction since early 2008.
 We need real election reform that prevents the PACs, SuperPACs etc from giving money to these jokers. That would end the circus and maybe restore some respect for the electoral process. I won't vote Republican, but if you are, then Buddy Roemer is the only one who is running an honest race the way it should be.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

So true...

By elevating the children of farmers and janitors as well as lawyers and stockbrokers, we’ve created what seems like the most capable, hardworking, high-I.Q. elite in all of human history.
And for the last 10 years, we’ve watched this same elite lead us off a cliff — mostly by being too smart for its own good. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/06/opinion/sunday/douthat-our-reckless-meritocracy.html?src=me&ref=general

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bloodthirsty - What's wrong with the "Tea Party" Republicans?

HuffPost Discusses "let him die" audience remarks -
Ok - we've had two Repugnican debates - to help us Dems and independents decide which Repugnican we should duck/take cover from/fight against next fall, and so far - their audiences are scarier than they are. In the Iowa debates - Brian Williams looked like I felt when the crowd at the Reagan Library Debate cheered the many executions Gov Rick Perry has managed in Texas. I thought to myself - why is it always a bunch of pro-lifers who are always happy about executing people? In fact, it seems in this weird right-wing bunch, to be a Christian Tea Partier, you gotta want to kill some people and punish others a lot with policy and not a lot of facts or proofs. The Jesus Christ I learned about was about not killing and not judging and letting God take care of vengeance at Judgment Day. These bloodthirsty a$$holes don't agree with  Christ!
I never misunder-estimate the DUH in Floriduh...so not too surprised when, at the debate for the CNN Tea Party in Tampa, they shout "Yeah! Let him die! " when Ron Paul is asked about the hypothetical 30 yr old young man with no insurance who has catastrophic illness (coma).  Who ARE these people?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wake Up and smell the Coffee


Check out the Coffee Party.  They have nothing to do with that other beverage party and everything to do about fixing our democracy.



Friday, April 08, 2011

FW: Dear Congress: I Pay Taxes, I Did Not Cause the Recession.

Dear Friend or Acquaintance:


I'm not trying to change your political stance on anything here. But this shutdown nonsense only hurts our troops and Social Security recipients and government employees and the like. Can you live without your paycheck for an indefinite time? I sure can't. It's not fair. So if you have a moment, send a letter or call your congressman's office and explain why the Speak of the House Boehner is wrong with what he's proposing to allow to happen. Especially for our troops……….Thanks.


Kari Bunch


If I have sent this to you in error – delete it and please let me know and I promise I will never do it again…It's very rare that I send things out to a lot of my contact lists, which is why I chose to use BCC instead of CC. I believe in everyone's right to privacy, but I feel rather strongly about this issue. - krb


From: Annabel Park [mailto:info@coffeepartyusa.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:58 AM
To: karibunch@yahoo.com
Subject: Dear Congress: I Pay Taxes, I Did Not Cause the Recession.



It appears likely that our government will shut down tomorrow. We are deeply disappointed that a small gang of beltway insiders have chosen this drastic political stunt, which will slow our economic recovery and hurt American families.

We have initiated a letter-writing campaign to Congress to ask them to do better, now and in the future. Will you sign the letter below and share it with your friends?

To sign this letter, click here or go here: http://my.coffeepartyusa.com/page/speakout/I_Pay_Taxes

To get more information about the issues raised in the letter, click here.

To contribute to the Coffee Break to Save America campaign, click here.

Thank you,

Annabel, Eric B, Lynda, Eric W, Gloria, Mark, Beth, Tina, Corinne and the Coffee Break to Save America Team


Dear Congress,

Please remember: you are fighting over how to spend our money.  We the People pay 33.7% of the Federal Fund while corporations pay 7.2%. Many corporations pay no taxes at all.  Yet your entire focus during this budget battle has been on how much to hurt the people.

We did not cause the recession, the deficit, or the national debt.  We know this, and we need you to know that we are aware of a corrupt system in which corporations spend their vast wealth to lobby and manipulate you.

We know that's why the tax code so unjustly burdens us while favoring them. We know this is why Elizabeth Warren and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are under attack from the US Chamber of Commerce and other powerful lobbyists. We know that is why your policies reward multinational corporations, including those that DID cause the recession, with bailouts, bonuses, and tax benefits.

As you wrangle over how much to hurt our quality of life and jeopardize our future, consider ways to create jobs and invest in our future.

Congress should work together on how to help us, not fight over how to hurt us.


To sign this letter, click here or go here: http://my.coffeepartyusa.com/page/speakout/I_Pay_Taxes


Visit us: http://coffeepartyusa.com

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Thursday, January 06, 2011

Thoughts On...Gay Marriage Positions

1. (The Religious Right point of view) - You can't have what 50% of us don't keep as sacred. Fuck You!
2. (The Blase' Left) - You ought to be free to suffer through what 50% of us don't keep as sacred. Get Fucked!

I'm guess I'm on the Left. I KNOW Misery LOVES company. Marriage is a farce and doesn't follow the biological imperatives anyway. And to pretend that our economy supports it is absolute bullshit. Evidence: 50% Marriages = Epic Fail and 50% of Jobs aren't available or don't pay a livable wage, and by that definition also = Epic Fail.

(i'm not bitter at all)

Ciao 4 Now!

From This-Is-True and Randy Cassingham

Havoth's Search Thingy