Ok – Weirdest headline I’ve read this week so far…
I think I saw it on CNN, here’s some other articles tied to this headline:
Obama's Afghanistan 'surge': diplomats, civilian specialists ...
President Barack Obama is planning a major "surge" into Afghanistan of diplomats
and civilian specialists steeped in running elections, fighting corruption ...
And Here:
West lowers sights in Afghanistan: diplomats
Mar 15, 2009 ... Diplomats now hope, at best, that a settlement will be reached that will appease
the least dangerous of the rebel elements and allow ...
In the first article, I read “…The civilian surge “will extend itself into other departments of the government,” said the senior U.S. defense official, who requested anonymity because the strategy isn’t final. “That’s what the plan is.’” – What? Why does this sound so familiar?
Hmmm…diplomats as compared to a large pseudopod extending into other things…
Can anyone say CIA in Vietnam (for the drugs), CIA in Colombia (for the drugs)? Anyone? Anyone? (for the drugs?)
They can’t beat the drug ties of Afghanistan’s President Karzai nor do some some straight up price control of the opium trade (USA is the biggest customer after all, why can’t we get it at the price WE want?? Lol)…and I couldn’t help but notice the first paragraph of the McClatchy article:
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is planning a major “surge” into Afghanistan of diplomats and civilian specialists steeped in running elections, fighting corruption and battling narcotics trafficking as part of a counterinsurgency strategy to stabilize the country, current and former U.S. officials said Wednesday.
Who are these diplomats and specialists in running elections, fighting corruption and battling narcotics trafficking? The cast of Heroes? A beautiful example of the truth accidently slipping through to the public in the clever use of a dangling modifier…practically a grammatical punster on the loose with the truth! Perfect. Perfectly WTF?
The new chant should “awww…c’mon, Obama!…new dog, old trick.” You don’t have to be a Kennedy in every form.
---because I can, that's why...Probably loving you too...